Re: [Usability] "just right" size button [was: Spatial Improvement: Default windows placement]

Christian Schneider wrote:
Of course the windows should not fill the screen. There should be some
sensible maximum size (e.g. 2/3 of the screen size). The nice thing about
sizing the windows when first opening the folder is that you start to learn
about you folder positions and sizes from the first day using gnome.

If all windows start with the same size you have to size them manually anyway.

True. It's tough to find a solution that suits everyone, I just happen to be among those who like smaller-though-in-need-of-resizing windows.

Btw. the resize button or probably more like a menu item would be really great.

Yeah, I loved it on the Mac. The reason for it being in the title bar was that it matches other use-and-forget window manipulation tools: close, maximize, minimize, roll-up (though only two of those were present in Mac's Classic OS).

- John

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