Re: [Usability] Spacing between dialog action area and content widget

----- Original Message -----
From: "Calum Benson" <Calum Benson sun com>

> FWIW Seth and I also briefly discussed the possibility of moving to
> more GNOME-like (i.e. time-based) release process for the HIG
> which I'd very much like to see (but it would probably require more
> people on board to do some formal reviewing than have had the time
> and/or interest up to now).

For whatever it will bring in, I believe that this is a sensible
approach to do things. On a very selfish note, I find it appealing for
2 reasons:

[1] Provides a ample time-window to discuss out suggestions and/or
[2] Allows L10n projects the luxury of catching up with the
incremental releases.

Coming to the [2], does the GUP and/or HIG provide extensive
guidelines on UI specifications for the L10n groups ? This is
currently of (probably) paramount importance. Considering the Indic
L10n, it is sometimes impossible to be able to succintly localise
dialog messages - then what are the tolerances such L10n widgets
should be looking at ? Would it make any quanitfiable difference if
the L10n coordinators are put this question to answer ? Measuring HIG
compliance should form an important activity...

Warm regards

The wider the circle of knowledge, the greater the circumference of

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