Re: [Usability] New Nautilus File Exists Dialog

On 8 Jul 2003, Stephan Bayer wrote:

> There are some questions open i would discus.
> 1) Detecting if a file is the same.
>    It's right only check the filename is not enought, we should check
> the content of the file too, to decide if a file is different. And only
> if we know that the file is different we should show the dialog
> 2) There was the hint that a file could be the same with different type.
> Is there someone who can explain me this ??

Windows/DOS associations between file and application are based on the
three-symbol extension (old DOS format was abcdefgh.123 , with Win95 and
on that was extended to, I believe, 255 characters total, with arbitrary
length for filename and extension). If you change the extension of a file
on a Win machine, Win will stop recognizing the file as, for example, an
HTML document. Some programs have internal format checkers, but I've yet
to see one that worked perfectly.

Mac uses a four-symbol identifier for the file type. Your file can be
called myrandomfile.doc, but as long as the type identifier says "PICT"
and PICT files are associated with a graphic viewer, that's what will be
used to open said file. (Note, this may have been changed: I haven't
dealth with OSX and later)

As far as how UNIX handles file types, colour me clueless.

> 3) I have the same view like Alan Horkan for the file content view
> stuff. We should not show the content of the file. Only the icon,
> nautilus regulary shows. Or no icon, for the eyecandy i would like to
> see the icon. I do not know if it deflect the user from make the
> decision.

First, I admit to having never used Nautilus. This was the reason for my
error -- I assumed that the image displayed was the file content, not an

I don't expect this error to be of any significance past the first few
minutes of using the app, but to be on the safe side, I'd recommend either
no icon or a smaller icon, more clearly identifiable as such.

> Next i try to make a new mockup with your opinion.
> + a Label which describes which side the target and wich the source is
> + rename open to show file or so

Nitpick: As the reading order in Germanic languages is left
to right, I recommend switching the positions of the Target and Source.


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