Re: [Galeon-devel] Re: [Usability]Galeon feature implementation

mån 2002-11-04 klockan 16.03 skrev Sven Luther:
> > > a) "Exit saving session", implemented as a File menu item in galeon 1.
> > > I can't really see any other place to put this, but perhaps you can.
> > 
> > BAD. Is galeon all of a sudden the session manager too? Sessions are per
> > login to a gnome session, not per instance of galeon in memory. When a
> > user logs in their session begin and when they log out it ends. Sessions
> > are not per app.
> Well, i suppose you never close galeon during your gnome session (either
> for freing memory, workspace or whatever), not to acount the times when
> galeon crashes, but the session management for this is really already
> there.

Galeon1 already detects if it crashed/was killed the last time it ran,
and asks the user if he or she wants to resume the previous session or
start a new one. I don't see how that feature is affected by the option
to save the session when exiting Galeon.

> Also, imagine someone who never exits from his gnome session, but does
> ocassionally exit galeon.

This could as easily be solved by saving bookmark groups. When you want
to have your "job browser", you open that bookmark group. Galeon should
always save the current session when exiting -- if you want to have
different sessions that you can switch between, you save them as
bookmark groups and open them as bookmark groups.

But having two "quit" options is just silly. I've witnessed several
users that don't understand the difference, and they shouldn't have to
if they don't need that feature.


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