Re: [Usability]HIG proposal - "(Modified)"

On Friday 01 November 2002 13:06, Calum Benson wrote:
> On Fri, 2002-11-01 at 13:48, Dave Malcolm wrote:
> > This feels to me like a Good Thing To Do; the user gets an extra visual
> > cue about the state of the app, and reassurance that they're going to get
> > a "Save Confirmation Alert" if they close it.
> Funnily enough, I was just thinking about this very thing when I was
> using gedit yesterday, and realising that I was glad that it did it but
> wished it did it differently :)  This would certainly be great to add to
> the HIG, any suggestions as to what method we should choose?
> My personal choice would be something short at the beginning of the
> window title (traditionally an asterisk has been used for this) since it
> means there's no chance of missing the indicator if the window isn't
> very wide.  But unless you know what this means, you might be
> mystified.

gedit actually uses both - it appends "(modified)" to the window title, and 
appends an asterisk to the tab of the document within its MDI interface.  
(Though MDI is deprecated by the HIG, isn't it?)

> Any other suggestions?  Adding the stock "save" icon instead of the
> asterisk might be pretty cool, especially if you could click on it to
> save the file ;)
> Cheeri,
> Calum.

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