Re: [Usability]List policy, usability leadership, mission statement [Was: "widget"]

Pat Costello wrote:

On 31 Jul 2002 Jeff Waugh wrote:
It's disappointing that usability@ and the usability team is suffering from
the same woes that the hitsquad did:

 - Clear, transparent leadership
- Usability team mission statement - Lack of list policy and standards for behaviour, etc.

Until those are resolved, this list can be pretty much relegated to a high
quality entropy source.

Well, if the list were just a high quality entropy source, I wouldn't be so worried. The fact that a discussion point can make it from the list to bugzilla, while the discussion is still in train, and while there is still a large degree of uncertainty around the need for the discussion point, shows that there is potential for a negative impact on the GNOME UI design. There does need to be some sort of regulated output from the usability alias.


Usability mailing list
Usability gnome org
I believe there needs to be a list for people to talk just about usability ideas and concerns. Usability is just one of those topics where people are going to disagree as to what is usable. Terms should be standardized meaning people should understand there definitions etc etc and agree on that. As for the whole discussion on calling something a widget I think it's irrelevant as whatever it's called a user will notice the visual appearance change and will associate the term with the appearance.

I don't think things need to be regulated however; that is how you lose ideas instead of propogating the list with some good debate.

-Christopher Warner

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