[Usability]Re: HIG suggestion- alt+<num> shortcuts for tabbed/MD interfaces

Luis Villa wrote:

In the meantime, the gtk-2.0 notebook widget does implement
Ctrl+PgUp/PgDn for flipping between tabs, so applications that are using
that but breaking those keybindings need to sort themselves out :)

AFAICT, this only works when the tab widget is focused, which means (at
minimum) a whole bunch of keystrokes[1] and/or a mouseclick before these
are usable, as compared to ctl+<num>, which has (in the past) worked
without focus and hence with only one keycombo press. _much_ more

Can you explain this a little more? I don't understand how C-pgup/pgdown requires a widget to be focused, but A-# doesn't.

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