Re: [Usability]Window managers -- what constitutes crack?

Josh Hoyt <joshhoyt yahoo com> writes: 
> In my transition to Gnome2, my last holdout is sticking with sawfish
> instead of metacity because of one feature. That feature is a
> keybinding for packing windows. Manually positioning windows is
> tedious, and it's hard to position them so they exactly line up.
> Is my desire for this feature the result of too many long years of
> over-configurability, or is it a resonable thing for a window manager
> to do?

I don't think it's totally crazy. I would not personally know what
algorithm to use though, I don't use this feature, so I probably won't
implement it. Maybe someone else will.

Try holding down "shift" while moving windows in metacity, that makes
them pretty easy to line up.

I'm not the kind of person who gets annoyed at 1-pixel gaps between my
windows - I think it might indicate a rather over-orderly
personality. ;-)


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