Re: [Usability]GNOME-SEARCH-TOOL: Comment Request

--- Chris Chabot <chabotc xs4all nl> wrote:
> Dennis Cranston wrote:
> >[..]
> >I would like comments from usability experts pertaining to my redesign. 
> Also,
> >I would like people to review the wording of the various labels.  
> >
> >   Screenshot #1:
> >
> >
> >   Screenshot #2:
> >
> >[..]
> >
> (IANAUE: i am not an usability expert) but two things struck me as 
> posible improvements:
> - When the advanced options are shown, change the label text from 'More 
> Options' to 'Less Options' (Or rename label to 'Show extra options' and 
> 'Hide extra options'), preferably even rotate the arrow around (pointing 
> up) for the less options choice.. It is not a 'tree view', so it becomes 
> confusing why you would click 'more' to get 'less' ;-)

Changing the label for the disclosure widget to 'Show extra options' and 'Hide
extra options' sounds like a good idea.  The arrows direction is predefined.  I
am using the same disclosure widget code found in the run dialog. 

> - bevels, bevels, bevels.. why does everyone love bevels to indicate an 
> different entity? Preferably i would like to see the idented bevel 
> around the added options removed. If it isn't a 100% clear that these 
> are the 'more options', add a line (<hr>) above and below the extra 
> options.. (i think you could achive clarity by removing the bevel, the 
> 'Selected options:' would show the options below are the selected 
> options.. and put a line between the options and the 'Available Options' )
>     -- Chris

I agree about the bevels.  The strange thing is that I have set the shadow type
to GTK_SHADOW_NONE for the added options section, but its still there.  I will
have to research this further.  


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