Re: Comments on dialog proposal

Seth Nickell wrote:
> Differentiate between settings and preferences. A preference can't be
> wrong. "I prefer green" can't be a "wrong choice". Preferences should be
> applied instantly. Settings are usually different. Often settings
> involve typing something into a text box (say, the IP address of your
> gateway). We should minimize settings. Almost anything that's a setting
> is something that a non-experienced user is going to have to ask
> explicitly about anyway.
> Settings perhaps should not be applied instantly, leaving the OK
> dialogue.

This is an excellent idea - can this distinction be included in the
terminology guide?

Perhaps the HIG should recommend that dialogs containing text boxes use
[OK] [Cancel] rather than [Close]/[Done], since you have to move the
focus out of the text box to apply the changes, negating the advantage
of an instant-apply dialog.


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