Re: Presentation and notes about Menu in Gnome 2.0

> 2.- The novice user don't know de word "Multimedia". It is better say 
> "Images", "Sound" and "Video" (three menus), and the posibly icons for each 
> menu are more descriptive that an icon for "Multimedia". I suggest that 
> distribution:
> 	- Sound
> 		- CD Player
> 		- Recorder (Sound Recorder repeats the word "sound")
> 		- Volume
> 	- Image
> 		- Editor (GIMP)
> 		- Viewer
> 	- Video
> 		- A Player?
> 		- A Composer?
> It is redundant say Sound - Sound Recorder, or Image - Image Viewer. The user 
> know that in the Sound menu there are apliccations for sound. It is much 
> clean.

That might be clearer, but I suspect that most users are familiar with
at least the term "Multimedia" (I know I hear it bandied about in
non-computer circles). Still, it would be clearer to have things in
their own category. Image stuff isn't currently under multimedia is it?

> 3.- The menu Productivity is strange. It is much clear "Office". This menu 
> may contain:
> 	- Office

I think that's a good idea. Microsoft has heavily publicized this
particular class of applications associated with that word in their
selling of "Microsoft Office", so we might as well use that.
> 6.- A menu must have an option to convert the menu into a "cajón" (I don't 
> know the english translation of that: a icon that display a small vertical 
> panel when clicked located in the panel).

Explain why you think this is necessary?
> 7.- The foot icon and the actions MUST be inside a 3D button. Buttons tell 
> the user "Click me".

Currently it will be in a menubar (at the top of the screen). Users are
generally also familiar with clicking on menus, so I think this won't be
a problem.

> 8.- The actions menu must be inside the main menu. If not, the panel get very 
> populated (two mains buttons) and will be inclear for the usr. The user that 
> want the actions menu directly in the panel, can click the icon explained in 
> comment #6.

Note that the proposal calls for using a *menu panel*. That means that
it won't just be too icons, it'll be the word "Applications" and the
word "Actions". It would be inappropriate, I think, to put "Actions"
inside "Applications".


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