Re: Today's Discussions

On Fri, Jun 01, 2001 at 05:27:30PM -0400, Julian Missig wrote:
> Talking to _vicious_ it was discovered that our issues with default 
> changing were due to a bug in GTK+. What *should* happen is that only 
> action buttons below the horizontal rule will cause the default (enter 
> keybinding) to *temporarily* change until a widget above the rule is 
> selected. When that happens, the default jumps back to the one set for 
> the dialog. I believe this is an acceptable solution for where the 
> default should be.

Julian, considering Peter Korn's post to gnome-accessibilty-list on
this subject, I don't think this is desirable for users using screen
readers. Essentially, I can't see a way of satisfying that problem
that doesn't involve keeping default still or doing away with default


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