Re: [Tracker] Correct way to pause / throttle tracker

On 20/09/11 10:40, Rainer M Krug wrote:
Following this, I also tried

   tracker-control --miner Files --pause-for-process='Need CPU'

from xterm but it does not seem to pause the miner (still using CPU
time, although when using --pause, it does not), although it increases
the Cookie number - is this a bug?

Yes. :) I checked and tracker-control finalizes the manager object right after calling the pause function. This means the dbus proxy essentially disappears and the other end assumes we just terminated as an application. I have updated the docs and tracker-control and it works now.

See commits:

commit fd508d73edf76fd9e603c76ab618658d4d81979e
Author: Martyn Russell <martyn lanedo com>
Date:   Wed Sep 21 14:18:22 2011 +0100

tracker-control: Don't finalize TrackerMinerManager with --pause-for-process

    This command line option was useless, the finalize meant we resumed
immediately afterwards instead of waiting for the Ctrl+C for the main loop we

    This was noticed by Rainer M. Krug.

commit 3b5c8d7ba512b4be731725095291cae4c2c32f5e
Author: Martyn Russell <martyn lanedo com>
Date:   Wed Sep 21 14:16:39 2011 +0100

libtracker-miner: Improve docs for tracker_miner_manager_pause_for_process()

When finalizing the manager, it will resume the pause. The tracker-control
    utility was demonstrating this. Let people calling it know.

One additional question: I would like to be able to have a script,
which pauses tracker-miner-fs, and another one which resumes it. The
pausing is easy, but how can I save the cookie number into a file, to
make sure that I resume the right Cookie?

If --pause-for-process would be working, that would be the easiest to
use for this.

I would use that instead with 0.12.2 when it's released tomorrow.

Thanks for noticing ;)


Founder and CEO of Lanedo GmbH.

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