Re: [Tracker] Issues with evolution mail indexing

Hi Mattias & Adrien,

4. Searching for parts of words doesn't work as I expect. For example
with the mail above searching for '*que*' or just 'que' should give a
hit on that according to me since it matches 'unique'. Searching for
'uni' gives a hit with the current version, so starts with seems to be
ok but not contains.
I think we only support prefix matching, needs to be confirmed.

This is true. When it comes to looking for words providing only part of
the word, our current FTS works only if the word prefix is provided,
similar to google search. Of course, it supports looking for full words
or sentences, but it also supports even more complicated things like
search for resources with the words "red" AND ("blue" OR "yellow") AND
(NOT "green")



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