[Tracker] TST leaking


Seems like TST isn't releasing memory.

I tested using this command:  valgrind --leak-check=full
--show-reachable=yes --leak-resolution=high -v

1. and then getting this before any search:
==27598== LEAK SUMMARY:
==27598==    definitely lost: 2,473 bytes in 11 blocks
==27598==    indirectly lost: 6,752 bytes in 340 blocks
==27598==      possibly lost: 631,178 bytes in 8,113 blocks
==27598==    still reachable: 356,396 bytes in 6,561 blocks
==27598==         suppressed: 12,420 bytes in 284 blocks

2. and then this after 1 simple search:
==27735== LEAK SUMMARY:
==27735==    definitely lost: 3,576 bytes in 16 blocks
==27735==    indirectly lost: 10,048 bytes in 504 blocks
==27735==      possibly lost: 1,657,835 bytes in 8,837 blocks
==27735==    still reachable: 371,203 bytes in 6,865 blocks
==27735==         suppressed: 13,152 bytes in 302 blocks

3. and then this after a whole of them searches:
==28040== LEAK SUMMARY:
==28040==    definitely lost: 6,927 bytes in 119 blocks
==28040==    indirectly lost: 10,048 bytes in 504 blocks
==28040==      possibly lost: 49,918,386 bytes in 14,834 blocks
==28040==    still reachable: 391,428 bytes in 7,017 blocks
==28040==         suppressed: 13,152 bytes in 302 blocks

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