Re: [Tracker] [PATCH] Running Tracker 0.7 in Fremantle

2009/11/20 Juan A. Suarez Romero <jasuarez igalia com>:

I've been working in a patch to be able to run Tracker 0.7 in

Attached is the set of patches that make this possible. The good news
about them is that allow that Tracker 0.7 runs together with default
tracker (0.6.x). Thus, applications can still use tracker 0.6 and newers
can use tracker 0.7

Most of the changes consisted of some renames to avoid overwritting
files from tracker 0.6.

Thus, for instance, we have now tracker-stats-0.7, keeping tracker-stats
for default tracker-0.6.

I must say that I only renamed those files that are in conflict with
tracker 0.6. Thus, tracker-control maintains its name.

Nevertheless, I've been talking with Ivan about this issue, and he
thinks that it would be a good idea to rename all files, so all command
line tools end in "-0.7". I think it's a good idea.

I don't agree unfortunately.
Honestly, I don't think it makes an awful lot of sense to run two
indexers at the same time and having new binary names at each new
major revision (-0.6, -0.7, ...) also brings it's shares of problems,
like documentation, man pages, wiki, web etc which has to be updated
(and most likely it won't, so we will have incomplete/incorrect

Besides, I just think e.g. tracker-search-0.7 looks ugly.

While it is imho useful, if you can install libraries and headers in
parallel, so e.g. developers can more easily port applications to
newer version, I don't really see the use case for having two indexers
installed at the same time.


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