El 12/11/09 08:46, Ivan Frade escribió:
On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 1:09 PM, Adrien
Bustany <madcat mymadcat com>
El 12/11/09 07:19, Ivan Frade
We have also a very (very) basic HTML generator to show the ontologies
in a human-friendly way. We need to complete it and add the generated
HTML somewhere, in case you want/like to write some code. The
developers are using the nepomuk ontologies and our changes start to
Ivan, I'm also very interested in this tool :-) Maybe you could host in
a git repo somewhere ?
It is already in the repo under utils/services/
It is mainly three files:
* ttl_model.{h,c} : to keep in memory the ontology
* ttl_loader {h,c}: to parse the ttl files and fill the previous model
* ttl_html.{h,c}: to print the model as HTML
Every ontology file (x.ontology) has a parallel file with some ontology
metadata (x.description). At the moment everything works
ontology-by-ontology: the links for classes in the same file works
fine, but not between ontologies. [that is the next step in the
To see it working, run gen-doc.sh, and it will create a "build"
directory with the HTML of the ontologies.
It is very basic and in C. I have been thinking about rewrite it in
python, but the rdf handling seems easier in C!!! (type conversions in
non-strong-typed languages are horrible...).
Note: there is also a ttl_graphviz.{c,h}. I was trying to generate
automatic diagrams from the ontology fails. Fail.
Excellent, thanks :)