Re: [Tracker] Bugzilla is not the evil [was Re: Issues with current trunk]

On 06/12/08 11:57, Michael Biebl wrote:
2008/12/6 Martyn Russell<martyn imendio com>:

Just look at the current tracker bugzilla, it's completely unusable
and ~80 bug reports are still unanswered.

Perhaps, but that doesn't make using the mailing list more useful.
That just means Bugzilla needs more love. Plus new Bugzilla reports are emailed anyway if you are watching that product.

For a pressing issue like the 0.6.90, I feared that my bug reports
were lost somewhere between them.

I think the issue is, we should really be using Bugzilla better. I know I have been bad with this (for Tracker) because I haven't set up the CC to be notified about bug changes.

Unless the bugzilla gets more efficient, I actually prefer a mailing

Right, but that's not project policy as far as I understand it and it means patches/comments/issues are likely to be lost, or you will end up reposting them.


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