Re: [Tracker] thumbnails location

On Sun, 2008-04-13 at 00:04 +0100, Erlend Davidson wrote:
On 12/04/2008, mike <mhardy_mail yahoo com> wrote:
        I just wanted to say I like tracker because it's small
        and does a good job - thanks for it.
        I have a request having to do with its thumbnails (I
        like having them, don't use gnome/kde/xfce so don't
        know what else would generate them so don't want to
        turn it off in tracker).
        The request is that:
        a) tracker use an app-local thumbnails dir, such as
        ~/.cache/tracker/thumbnails, which I have seen other
        apps keeping data local for themselves like this

AFAIK they can't do this: it breaks the thumbnail
storage specification.

        b) allow a ./configure option to specify where they
        should go

That would still break the spec.

        c) during routine indexing if tracker discovers
        thumbnails that used to exist but are now gone it can
        regenerate them?
        Part of the reason for the request is because I see
        that if I delete a thumbnail, tracker will no longer
        display its associated hit in tracker search GUI.  IOW
        if I delete everything in ~/.thumbnails and do a
        tracker search, 0 results are returned.

IMHO tracker-search-tool should generate thumbnails.  That's what
file-managers do, and in many ways t-s-t is like a file-manager.  

we could do that - the only reason we dont currently is becasue
gnome-search-tool does not (and TST is a fork of that)

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