Re: [Tracker] Tracker 0.7 ETA?

On Tue, 2008-04-08 at 15:02 +0200, Luca Ferretti wrote:
Il giorno lun, 07/04/2008 alle 10.11 -0400, Jamie McCracken ha scritto:
On Mon, 2008-04-07 at 16:29 +0300, Ivan Frade wrote:
Hi all,

0.7 will pretty much be refactoring + xesam

also possible is your patches for service file and other minor

I will have all outstanding patches reviewed today

The end of the 0.7.x series will include everything needed for devs to
integrate firmly

Jamie, could we also try to split tracker sources? I mean something like
Gstreamer with
      * a "tracker-core" module depending only on glib, dbus and sqlite
      * a "tracker-extractors" module providing extractors and depending
        on poppler, gstreamer, libgsf, exempi and so on
      * a "tracker-search-tool" module providing the GUI search tool and

This could help vendors and developers to include tracker support in
their applications (no needs to depend on external deps for extractors,
stable and LTS API in tracker-core), but also users (frequent releases
providing new extractors).

the new architecture will effectively do that

However, I think could be a good idea move to GIO (i.e. glib >= 2.16.0)
'cause there are some really useful stuff for tracker like file
monitoring and MIME recognizing/handling: now that those features are
directly available in glib, we can drop the xdgmime copy, the custom
code to recognize file types and the custom code to monitor for file
system changes[1].

we will move towards this at some point - I think its too early atm (not
all distros suppor tit yet) and dunno when nokia would ship that

we also want to move sqlite 3.5 which is fully thread safe and allows a
single db connection to be shared amongst threads


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