Re: [Tracker] Tracker 0.7 ETA?

On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 4:46 PM, Ivan Frade <ivan frade nokia com> wrote:

 El mar, 08-04-2008 a las 15:02 +0200, ext Luca Ferretti escribió:

Il giorno lun, 07/04/2008 alle 10.11 -0400, Jamie McCracken ha scritto:
 > > On Mon, 2008-04-07 at 16:29 +0300, Ivan Frade wrote:

However, I think could be a good idea move to GIO (i.e. glib >= 2.16.0)
 > 'cause there are some really useful stuff for tracker like file
 > monitoring and MIME recognizing/handling: now that those features are
 > directly available in glib, we can drop the xdgmime copy, the custom
 > code to recognize file types and the custom code to monitor for file
 > system changes[1].

  Another reason to move to glib >= 2.16.0 is the unit test framework.
 But we must include the new features between "ifdefs", because some
 plattforms (like maemo ;)) only include glib 2.12

Jamie has updated GLib req. to 2.14 for some reason.

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