Re: [Tracker] RFE: support for removable media

On Thu, 2007-09-06 at 20:59 +0200, Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen wrote:
2007/9/6, yelo_3 <yelo_3 yahoo it>:
        Well, I'm not sure that all external media should be
        indexed... For instance if I insert an OS media (to upgrade
        your distribution, or to test another distribution), or a
        media that I have to burn for a friend? 
        And I also think that indexing a CD/DVD is a very expensive
        In tracker preference there is an option called "Index mounted
        directories" what is this? is it a similar thing?

Yes, and no I guess. I would guess that it would index any media
mounted somewhere under your home dir, but since most media are
mounted under /media or /mnt, Tracker doesn't normally index them. 

Maybe there should be the possbility to manually specify if a medium
should be indexed. I'm thinking right click volume in Nautilus and
select "Index this Media" or something.

for things like music and pictures we would want to scan media
automatically and let interested apps like RB know. 

for usb devices like usb keys I plan to have an option in tracker to
auto index these.

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