Re: [Tracker] RFE: support for removable media

2007/9/6, yelo_3 <yelo_3 yahoo it>:
Well, I'm not sure that all external media should be indexed... For instance if I insert an OS media (to upgrade your distribution, or to test another distribution), or a media that I have to burn for a friend?
And I also think that indexing a CD/DVD is a very expensive operation.

In tracker preference there is an option called "Index mounted directories" what is this? is it a similar thing?

Yes, and no I guess. I would guess that it would index any media mounted somewhere under your home dir, but since most media are mounted under /media or /mnt, Tracker doesn't normally index them.

Maybe there should be the possbility to manually specify if a medium should be indexed. I'm thinking right click volume in Nautilus and select "Index this Media" or something.


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