Re: [Tracker] String freeze for libtracker-gtk

Il giorno sab, 03/03/2007 alle 11.07 +0000, Neil Jagdish Patel ha

I have left markup in some of the strings, because I think it in
necessary for RTL languages, correct me if I am wrong :).

The proper solution should be split the table cell in two labels, then
place the caption in one label and the value in the other one: something

        [Path:] [PATH] | [Size:] [SIZE] | [Mime:] [MIME]

where [---] is the GtkLabel and | is the column separator for GtkTabel.

In RTL environment this should automatically become

        [MIME] [Mime:] | [SIZE] [Size:] | [PATH] [Path:]
This is the best form for l10n, where the translatable strings are only
"Size:", "Path:" and "Mime:" with no %s, markups and layout spacing.

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