Re: [Tracker] Is tracker development dead?


On Fri, 2007-06-29 at 15:48 -0700, Jeff Schroeder wrote:
Well if google desktop supports more formats than the released version
of tracker (0.5.4 I believe) does then they have already won in the
eyes of most users. Whether you consider them competition or not when
they give a better user experience is a moot point.

I am fully capable of building and using a svn copy of tracker, but
that does not mean other people are quite that proficient. Getting a
release of tracker out would give the Ubuntu team plenty of time to
package and put tracker in their repositories. You are missing out on
tons of useful debugging and comments by waiting so long to make a new
release. Hopefully your father and personal life are doing better by

I can't speak for Jamie, but I am sure he knows the benefits of 'release
early release often'. However, with a project as complex as this, and
one which is under so much scrutiny from the other gnome devs, you have
to make sure that everything is rock-solid before a release.

Also, have you been working any with njpatel? He has some really good
ideas that shouldn't be overlooked. Some of his projects like the
tracker integration into nautilus and affinity are fascinating.

He hasn't, and through no fault of his own. I haven't been able to spend
as much time on Tracker as I had before (due to starting the a job and,
more importantly, due to some family problems). I have only been getting
back to into the swing of things from a few weeks ago, and will
hopefully be contributing code again very soon.

Kind regards,

Neil J. Patel

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