Re: [Tracker] Notes as 1st class objects in Tracker?

Il giorno dom, 21/01/2007 alle 22.41 +0100, Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen ha scritto:

Daze will never be a panel applet. That's the whole deal! :-) One of the basic premises behind Daze is to have a zero-memory note app.

I have a few tweaks in store that should make it start up faster than it does now (which is already pretty fast for me). If any distros start shipping jdahlins python-launcher ( start up should be near instant.
mmm not sure I get the picture, should Daze always be started the way it is now? create two launchers, click one to store a note, click another one to search?

Please don't tell me so, but i agree on the zero-resource-waiste argument against making it an applet :)



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