Re: [Tracker] Notes as 1st class objects in Tracker?

2007/1/21, Michael Corbett <mrcdesign yahoo co uk>:
--- Filippo Pappalardo <filippo email it> wrote:

> Il giorno dom, 21/01/2007 alle 09.52 +0000, Michael

> Michael, how about this?
> I think we need an "Applications usgin Tracker"
> section on the website
> Regards

Yup, that's the one.  Thanks.  I'll. save the link
this time!

Cheers, I'm the author of Daze :-)

Currently Daze 0.2 is blocking on some missing api in Tracker that is bound to hit svn in a few weeks according to Jamie.

I have some rocking features one the drawing oard for 0.2, but I will have to break  note format in the db. To this end there will of course be export/import tools. What is needed is a script to dump all notes in Tomboy format, and another one to import a bunch of notes in Tomboy format. I have a tomboy extractor in Python posted on this list a while back, so 33% of the work is done on this area.

And the project is also autotooled now (but the code in the bzr repo is broken right now)


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