[Tracker] Bad search results and bad stemming?

I've installed 0.5.4 on Fedora Core 6 (i386) from FC Extras.

I ran trackerd and let it index my homedir. When it was complete I used the GUI search tool to look for "chomsky".

It came back with two results, both were dictionary files used with Firefox, but the GUI search tool didn't show me where the string "chomsky" was in context like it does for PDF files. These dictionary files are text files as far as I can tell (I can read them with less(1)). Both contain the string "Chomsky/M" which is obviously what the GUI search tool should have shown me. Instead I saw "62076" as the only context.

I also noticed that searching for "chomsky" made trackerd say:

Executing detailed search with params Files, chomsky, 0, 10
searching for chomski with smin 0 and smax 9, offset 0 and limit 10

Why is a search for "chomsky" producing a search for "chomski" (with an i)? Does this have to do with stemming or something else?

A suggestion for the GUI search tool: I think the GUI search tool should show a live search -- as I add and remove things that qualify as hits, the GUI search tool should add and remove them from the list of hits.

Another suggestion: tell me how many hits there are, and tell me when the search is looking.

Finally, are filenames supposed to constitute a hit or just file content? I did this:

$ rm ~/Desktop/chomsky
$ touch ~/Desktop/chomsky

and searched again with the GUI search tool. trackerd picked up on both file modifications, but the empty file did not come up in the search results.

Thanks for your help.

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