[Tracker] Case sensitivity in filenames producing missing hits

I have a PDF file called


and I've installed Tracker 0.5.4 on a gNewSense GNU/Linux system (an Ubuntu Dapper derivative) using the repo pointed to by the Tracker download page.

I let Tracker index my home directory and I used the Deskbar search to look for


Tracker found nothing. I renamed the PDF file to "hr508.pdf" (note the case change on "hr") and searched again. Tracker found the file!

I renamed the file back to "HR508.pdf", searched again, and Tracker did not find the file.

Trackerd's log file said:
05 Feb 2007, 14:30:39:669 - Executing detailed search with params Files, hr508, 0, 100
05 Feb 2007, 14:30:39:669 - searching for hr508 with smin 0 and smax 9, offset 0 and limit 100
05 Feb 2007, 14:30:55:664 - found matching inotify pair for from /home/jbn/Desktop/HR508.pdf to 
05 Feb 2007, 14:31:05:399 - Executing detailed search with params Files, hr508, 0, 100
05 Feb 2007, 14:31:05:399 - searching for hr508 with smin 0 and smax 9, offset 0 and limit 100
05 Feb 2007, 14:31:23:961 - found matching inotify pair for from /home/jbn/Desktop/hr508.pdf to 
05 Feb 2007, 14:31:32:960 - Executing detailed search with params Files, hr508, 0, 100
05 Feb 2007, 14:31:32:961 - searching for hr508 with smin 0 and smax 9, offset 0 and limit 100

So it seems that case changes somehow throw off Tracker's ability to find files.

Any help with this would be appreciated (besides renaming all of my files to avoid uppercase letters). Thanks.

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