Re: [Tracker] [PATCH] fixing a _bad_ bug in

On 8/5/07, Marcus Fritzsch <fritschy googlemail com> wrote:
On 8/5/07, Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <mikkel kamstrup gmail com> wrote:

Cheers ,

A few comments.

 * I would probably use _("Launch blahblah") for the description. As is done
in the native application handler in deskbar. Look in
/usr/lib/deskbar-applet/handlers/ the class
  * You can also check out how apps are launched from there
 * Pay attention to the get_hash() method of said class. The returned value
is used for deduplication of the result set in deskbar. So if you can return
the same string as GenericProgramMatch tracker app matches will not show up
as dupes if you have the programs handler activated.

Ah, new stuff to me. I'll check it out and resend a patch.

Mikkel, thats greatstuff - deskbar I mean! - :D

Now i stole some code from ;). One thing that is currently
'awkward'. The Programs search of deskbar returns Application under
the Actions section. Shall I change this for tracker-handler too?

As before, I am launching applications with xdg-open as this stops me
from working on the .desktop files.

I appended a new patch, again it applies to the current svn state of
the handler.

Cheers, Marcus

Attachment: tracker_deskbar-handler_update_2.patch
Description: Text Data

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