Re: [Tracker] [PATCH] Moving towards internal metadata extractors

On 9/27/06, Jamie McCracken <jamiemcc blueyonder co uk> wrote:
Edward Duffy wrote:
> Update to that last patch with exif enabled.

Thanks now applied to cvs with warnings corrected

the DB now uses zlib instead of bzip so you must delete folder
~/.Tracker/databases before running trackerd (otherwise it will crash!)

I'm having some problems building CVS... the build complains about
missing tracker-extract-*.c files (pdf, exif, ps, abw, etc). I moved
all the src/trackerd/tracker-metadata-*.c files to
src/tracker-extract, but now I get some other problems - the includes
for QDBM don't get included when building tracker-utils.c for some
reason? complains about missing depot.h . Anyways, is this another
case of having to wait for some changes to finish? :-)


Mr Jamie McCracken

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