There's a problem with Search.Text not returning enough results when I supply a service other than 'Files'. I'm attaching a test program that: 1. Searches for $input with serivce='Files' and returns the first 256 results. 2. Calls Files.GetServiceType on each result and counts the number of 'Images' occurances. 3. Searches for $input with service='Images' and returns the first 20 results. 4. Print the number of results returned. For example: # ./ duffy Searching for duffy in the "Files" service... Found 135 images Searching for duffy in the "Images" service... Found 7 images So, I have 135 matches for files in the 'Images' service, but when I request 20 I only get 7 back. On 9/26/06, Jamie McCracken <jamiemcc blueyonder co uk> wrote:
Edward Duffy wrote: > Looks like its working. One more bug in the image thumbnails, nice is > missing '-n' before the niceness. Patch attached (I can handle this > one!). > thanks - fixed in cvs -- Mr Jamie McCracken
Description: Text Data