Re: [Tracker] Tracker's GUI in C

Jaime Frutos Morales wrote:
2006/9/11, Jamie McCracken <jamiemcc blueyonder co uk>:

I already had attached in mind (FWIW its similar but a bit more powerful)

Also it needs to be different to nautilus-search (and more useful hence
the division of search results into services by tab)

Using the combobox the division exists too. With the notebook widget,
the window has to be maximized to read all the categories and hits in
each page of the notebook. This doesn't happen with the combobox.

there are pros and cons to both. The size should not matter because we can default the window size to something that does not need resizing.

The benefits of the tab/notebook are :

1) You can see which services have results and their hit counts immediately. Services that dont have any hits are not shown in the tabs. With combo you would have to iterate through each entry to see the equivalent

2) its only one click to switch service view (compared to two with combo)

3) it remembers state so you could page through results in All Files and then view Documents and then back to All Files and page from where you left off.

Mr Jamie McCracken

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