Re: [Tracker] Tracker's GUI in C

2006/9/11, Samuel Cormier-Iijima <sciyoshi gmail com>:
The RDF paned UI would probably need additions to the DBus interface?
Something like GetTagsForQuery which would get all the tags over the
results of a query? I don't know... Anyways, something else that might
be cool would be completion support, i.e. GetCompletions('tra'), which
would give a list of the tags that start with that ('tracker',
'trampoline', 'trapezoid', 'tralala') sorted by most tagged :-). That
would be pretty cool for a responsive UI, but I don't know enough
about SQL to see if that would be too hard.

There is a GetList() method on the KeyWord IFace... It would probably be better to filter that in the application, and not clutter trackers api with all kinds of special cases...  In my humble opninion atleast :-)


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