Re: [Tracker] Tracker in jhbuild

Luca Ferretti wrote:
I forgot to mention: in the last week I added a tracker entry in the
jhbuild moduleset for GNOME 2.18.

oh great - ta!

I knew there was something I forgot about...

If you are yet using jhbuild to test latest GNOME stuff from cvs, simply
run `jhbuild buildone tracker` (or `jhbuild build tracker` to build all
dependences too).

If you don't know what is jhbuild, see (or
the really cool step-to-step )

Cheers, Luca.

PS the recent dependance on GStreamer is not (yet) added. Do tracker
depend simply on gstreamer or on gst-plugins-xxx tool? If I'm right the
compile-time dependance is only on gstreamer, but we need some plugins
at run-time.

it depends on gstreamer - I dont know anything about gst-plugins-tool though (Is it available on edgy?)

please add

does the jhbuild use the latest CVS?

if not, is it configured to use the inlined threadsafe sqlite?

Mr Jamie McCracken

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