Re: Patch: some improvements for gtkmozembed ui module

El jue, 11-10-2007 a las 12:23 +0200, Philip Van Hoof escribió:

> Important! We'll need to resolve this before Monday, else I'll be forced
> to revert your patch as I'll probably prepare pre-release 0.0.3 on
> Monday. Requiring a very recent version of gtkmozembed is not an option,
> supporting one (yours): definitely is.

	Please revert the patch. I'll probably have the m4 stuff ready today,
but not tested enough, so it seem it's not a good idea to anticipate
this before the release.

	Briefly, I'm extending the moz.m4 to detect the mozilla engine version
the mozembed is based on.
Jose Dapena Paz <jdapena igalia com>

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