Re: [Snowy] bitenuker: Apologies to the Franco-Dutch

On Nov 11, 2010, at 11:32 AM, Sandy Armstrong wrote:

> You rock, dude.  :-D
> Since we need this in the mobile client where we won't be using
> ckeditor, it would make sense to move ckeditor references into a
> separate file.  If I get a chance, I'll send a patch to do this,
> Crockfordize the JS, not pollute the global namespace, etc.

Absolutely.  This was 100% my plan, but I wanted to put this out before I left for the weekend.  I'll definitely take patches, but look for this code to be rewritten RealSoonNowTM.

> Since I also plan to write the XML->Markdown XSLT soonish, maybe I'll
> contribute the Markdown->XML stuff we need in bitenuker, too.

Cool.  I'd imagine an interface with methods like addBoldText (ret.output) and addItalicText, etc.

> Compiling a set of nice note examples to use for unit tests will also
> be fun, if anybody wants to get started on that!




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