Re: [Snowy] bitenuker: Apologies to the Franco-Dutch

You rock, dude.  :-D

Since we need this in the mobile client where we won't be using
ckeditor, it would make sense to move ckeditor references into a
separate file.  If I get a chance, I'll send a patch to do this,
Crockfordize the JS, not pollute the global namespace, etc.

Since I also plan to write the XML->Markdown XSLT soonish, maybe I'll
contribute the Markdown->XML stuff we need in bitenuker, too.

Compiling a set of nice note examples to use for unit tests will also
be fun, if anybody wants to get started on that!


On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 6:35 AM, Brad Taylor <brad getcoded net> wrote:
> Oh, almost forgot the link:
> On Nov 11, 2010, at 9:35 AM, Brad Taylor wrote:
> Hey,
> I just pushed bitenuker, a proof-of-concept, prototype, alpha,
> work-in-progress Tomboy Markdown parser/scanner/converter written in
> Javascript which outputs HTML (and eventually Note XML) to github.
> The parser is recursive; when it hits the beginning of a tag — for instance,
> a triple apostrophe — it recurses down to find the ending tag, and then
> encloses that in the given HTML or XML tag.  If the matching pair isn't
> found, it just inserts it as text.  It is also guaranteed to have at most 2
> lookbehind and 1 lookahead, so it maintains O(N) runtime.  This should be
> orders of magnitude faster than traditional regex parsers, but of course, I
> don't have actual data to back that, it's not yet complete, and it hasn't
> had any performance tuning, so I could be feeding you a sandwich made of
> lies for all I know.  It's a tasty sandwich though.
> In the immediate future, I plan to refactor the code to eliminate the code
> duplication, add an IOutputStream interface and
> IHTMLOutputStream/INoteOutputStream classes, finish bullet support for - and
> +, and add a butt-load of unit tests.  I'll be out in CA for a wedding this
> weekend, so I won't get to this until Monday or Tuesday.  In the meantime,
> feel free to poke at the code
> I'm hoping this marks the start of today's Reganing.
> Best,
> -Brad
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