Re: [Snowy] snowy development

On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 4:27 AM, Alper KANAT <tunix raptiye org> wrote:
> Any way, yesterday I wished I had my Tomboy notes with me on my Samsung
> Galaxy (aka i7500) which is an Android device. I'm a software developer
> myself and plan to go deep on Android devices. I remembered Snowy and
> started to dig of its current development status. I cloned the source code
> and ran it. I've many django apps btw (including my own web site on
> I planned to run Snowy at somewhere like
> but currently trying to figure out how it works
> with Tomboy. Not looking inside the code but just fiddling with the UI of
> Tomboy (web sync) and all I get is a GET request to /api/1.0/ and:
> [15/Nov/2009 03:22:48] "GET /api/1.0 HTTP/1.1" 301 0
> [15/Nov/2009 03:22:48] "GET /api/1.0/ HTTP/1.0" 200 249
> Tomboy says:
> Server not responding. Try again later.
> When I tried it in Firefox, it prompts me for saving some kind of binary
> data. Am I doing something wrong?

First of all, did your read the INSTALL file?

Second, I'm not exactly sure what steps you've followed to get where
you are with snowy.  So all I can really recommend is that you read
the INSTALL file and make sure you've followed all of those steps.

Of course, as Benoit says, for real deployment you need to use
something like modpython or wsgi, but to be honest Snowy is really not
ready to be deployed to a live server.  Syncing and stuff works fine,
but we have not done any real security testing.  I would not feel
comfortable running it on a live server right now, personally.

However, if you do deploy it, and you have anything to add to the wiki
pages Benoit linked, please feel free to edit them.

As for help, what we need most right now are an extensive suite of
verification tests (including security-related tests), and work on the
UI.  Of course, we can get Snowy in a deployable state without
improving the UI, but now that we have awesome mockups, it should be
easy for a good HTML/CSS hacker to get started contributing that way.

Hope this helps,

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