Re: [Shotwell] Reset library.


I saved and deleted the database in ~/.local/share/shotwell/data and
started it up again. It immediately started auto-importing my
pictures again. How do I stop it doing that and where does it find 
the information to know where to auto-import stuff from?

The two configuration keys are:

gsettings get org.yorba.shotwell.preferences.files auto-import
gsettings get org.yorba.shotwell.preferences.files import-dir

You can obviously also set them with "set" instead of get

I want to 
a) Remove the database and any configurations that might be around.
b) Start up Shotwell and set the Library location to the location of
my photos on disk.

See above, you should be able to do that from the command line,
but at least you are able to turn off auto-import.

c) Import all the photos from that same location.

It seems odd to me that Shotwell, by default, moves images from the
import location to the library. It would seem more sensible to leave
the files where they are, by default, and build the database pointing
to the import location. As it is I seem to have to trick Shotwell
into leaving the images where they are by setting the import location
to the library location.  There doesn't seem to be a configuration
option to stop Shotwell moving the files.

I don't know how you managed to configure Shotwell to have its library
and the auto-import directory differently. Auto-import on start-up
usually only happens from the library and when it is importing inside
the library it will not move. 

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