importing SSH keys - or store their keyrings

HI list,

as you might have noticed some users including me reinstalled the whole system during the release of Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 LTS.
After the reinstalltion I've imported the GPG keys successfully, but failed to do the same with the SSH key.
I've only stored my private one - which I know now wasn't the best way, and I've already read that there is NO way to import SSH Keys into seahorse. (FAQ)

So my question is what does I have to do to use both together again, SSH key and seahorse, does I have to create a new SSH key and use this one instead.
Why is there no way of importing SSH Keys - even if SSH are as easy handled as just copying to ~/.ssh/

It would be nice of you If you'd help me out with those questions and possibly provide a way how I could use GIT wihouht entering the SSH passphrase on every Push and Pull - In Karmic it was auto accepted because of the stored password in seahorse.

Kindest Regards
Benedict Stein

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