Add a password to keyring over dbus

Hey Everyone,

at first thank you for reading this post. I've like to use the gnome keyring manager to save passwords from my own written java application. Is that possible? I have already connected to the dbus and I created an Interface with "CreateInterface" that comes with dbus.

It looks like this.

package org.gnome.seahorse;
import java.util.List;
import org.freedesktop.dbus.DBusInterface;
public interface KeyService extends DBusInterface
public void DisplayNotification(String heading, String text, String icon, boolean urgent);
public String ExportKeys(String ktype, List<String> keys);
public List<String> ImportKeys(String ktype, String data);
public DBusInterface GetKeyset(String ktype);
public List<String> GetKeyTypes();

But I think there is no method to add some passwords to the keyring. This Interface is the Interface from the "org.gnome.seahorse" service. Is it the right way to do that or have I go another way. I've read that there are libraries for develop with gnome-keyring but how can I use them under java?

Thx for help.

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