Re: ... bumping minimum GTK+ to 2.24 (?)

On 29/05/11 18:15, Christopher Roy Bratusek wrote:
Hi all,

as you maybe already noticed, I'm currently updating the widgets in the
misc-1.9 branch ('file, 'font at the moment). While heading over to
'frame-style widget, I noticed, it would be best to use GtkComboBoxText
widget. But: this widget requires GTK+ 2.24. Now I wanted to know
whether bumping requirement for Sawfish 1.9 and rep-gtk 0.90.7/8 to that
version. All distros I've checked ship that version, except
Debian/Stable, which ships 2.20 (...).


Fedora 14 (which has only just been superseded) is at 2.22

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