Re: Shrinking Vertical Size of Window

On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 12:47 AM, Alan McConnell <alan patriot net> wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 09, 2011 at 09:22:07PM +0200, Andrea Vettorello wrote:
>> > Is there a keyboard command to deal with this problem?  I always
>> > have terminal windows open, so I could set up a rep command
>> > to set the proper size of (whatever) window, in this case the
>> > iceweasel one.
>> >
>> I use a lot the "Resize window interactively" function to resize a
>> window clicking anywhere on it, instead of pointing at the
>> borders/edges.
>        This sounds like _exactly_ what I need.  But it is too little
>        information for this sawfish-internals newbie.  I have done
>        some googling, and have poked around in the
>, but only got more confused.
>        I don't even know how to set up .sawfish/ in my home directory
>        properly.
> Many thanks in advance for additional pointers!

You can manually add the bind to your ~/.sawfishrc as suggested by dmg
or you can use the Sawfish configuration interface (sawfish-ui).

In my case I use the left mouse button pressed with the "Super"
modifier (usually the key with a windos logo) to resize the window
clicking anywhere on it, using the left mouse button with the Meta
modifier (the Alt key) I can move a window clicking anywhere on it.

So open the sawfish-ui, go to the "Bindings" section, select the
"Window" context and click on the "Add" button, select the function
you are interested (in this case "Resize window interactively") and
associate a key/mouse combination, in my case the bind is
"Super-Button1-Click", you can manually insert it or you can use the
"Grab" button, it will (try to) translate the next key/mouse
combination with the corresponding string.

Hope this helps.


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