Re: [sawfish] Re: sawfish-pager broken?

On Saturday 29 January 2011 21:44:03 Eli Barzilay wrote:
> Earlier today, Christopher Roy Bratusek wrote:
> > SawfishPager from GIT does work with Sawfish GIT.
> Where is the git repo?  -- When I tried the advertised link it didn't
> work.

The advertised link shows the browsable version -- clone:

git clone git://

> > Also the issue with the non- showing windows doesn't occur here.
> The window does show -- but looking at the code I don't see anything
> where it waits for the window to appear, so it looks like something
> that might work on a system that would pop the window up fast enough.
> In other words, a real bug.

Hmm... With *window* you mean the pager, right? Oh, then I missunderstood you.
This is a issue related to the autohiding-functionality added in 0.90.0 and 
should be fixed in GIT / 0.90.1.


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