Re: Sawfish in python??? scheme?

On Saturday 26 February 2011 08:13:20 Teika Kazura wrote:
> On Tue, 22 Feb 2011 21:16:23 +0100, Christopher Roy Bratusek wrote:
> > - begin collaboration with [Michal Maruška] about his thoughts about
> > leaving REP. [...]
> > (NOTE: this does not mean, that we'll do it, as of now.)
> First, let's remember that librep has many defects and no one can make
> real fix in any of them. It's better to move to some well-maintained
> but at the same time stable enough language. But I don't know if it's
> realistic. We're absolutely understaffed. How many work fulltime? (I
> don't mean 24/7.)
> I overheard Python-3.2 is / will be good enough. Though a rough argument,
> python looks more like C than lisp/scheme do, so people are more
> familiar, and it may be a better choice. (According to a recent poll,
> it's the 4th hottest lang, after Java, C, C++. But I don't speak
> python at all, and I can't judge.)

If you ask me, Python is one of the best-designed languages outwhere. Though, 
I wouldn't recommend it for a project rewrite, which is a LISP before, as you 
can't do some sed-magic to partially do it automatically.

Also Python is slower and heavier than REP.

> On the other hand, transition to some lisp is easier, because code
> translation is sometimes straightforward, or at least, often easier.
> But to which lisp/scheme? I browsed the site of guile-gtk, and its
> development seems to be completely dead. (Guile itself is active.)

GUILE GTK was superseded by GUILE GNOME, which will be superseded again for 
the GTK+3 bindings. Though I don't remember the bindings name.

> And let me repeat: it's a "who'll do it?" problem, less of "which lang?".

That's the reason, why all previous attempts failed ;)

It's just that this time someone proposed it, there the chance he'll actively 
contribute is higher than in the other cases. So that's why where will be a 

> T_T (Do you use this Japanese style smily? Vertical bar is tear.)

It's pretty popular AFAIK.

> Teika (Teika kazura)


> # Then it'll be SawSnake, SawBoa, Sawnaconda.
> ## Sorry for a fishy pun...

I like Sawnaconda best.

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