Re: Make panels open above other windows at all times.

andrea vettorello gmail com (2011-02-24 at 1156.32 +0100):
> > Yes, Xfce Panel is of type Dock.  I think the problem lay with my having
> > the 'autohide' property set.  When it's not set, Sawfish recognizes the
> > panels just fine.  I followed Andrea Vettorello advice and it works well
> > now.  Thank you Andrea.  Thank you both for your replies.

Hmmm... that sounds like the panels launch with different hints if set
to autohide, or even do tricks with multiple window. Worse case is if
they later change hints, which could be wrong but still seems frequent
(standards? bah!) and causes havoc to systems trying to match windows
at launch (Sawfish, Devils' Pie, etc).

> > I don't know why I haven't been using Sawfish in the past, but it
> > certainly is my default WM now.  The amount of customization/
> > configuration is spectacular.  I love this thing.
> IIRC modifying windows depth badly interacts with full screen
> applications (your docks stay above your full screen application)
> ^_^;

Full screen applications like video players should be one depth higher
than dock default (defaults, we all know what we Sawfish users end
doing with personal configs). And even if same depth because you
configured it so, or changed depths, they can be behind or above the
full screen one, not always over it. Depths are just limits in what
can go behind or above others, so all windows in layer N will be above
N-1 but below N+1.


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