Re: [Patch] apps-menu filtering

On 9/16/2010 8:09 AM, Christopher Roy Bratusek wrote:
Just a reminder:

Deadline is tomorrow midnight and the default menu is not yet satisfying
(see my previous mail about Core/Development/Desktop menus).

(Though you may ask for approval until the 24th)

I'm not sure whether this should go in - with it's current default behaviour.


I agree with this. I wont have the chance before the deadline to fix the issues, so I would think it's best to hold off on adding the new filtering to the apps-menu until we get the category issues worked out. All the issues Chris has mentioned can be fixed by making a better master category list to associate the categories, but unfortunately I wont have the time to do this until later this month. (possibly before the 24th, but I'm not sure (im on someone elses schedule atm)). The current apps-menu is stable enough atm, so should be fine for the release, and the filtering and other additions could then go into development version perhaps for better refining and possible bug-fixing etc.



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