Re: Themes for 3.0

Am Samstag 27 November 2010, 05:47:47 schrieb Teika Kazura:
> Hi. New change in stickiness toggling is wrong; When I toggle
> viewport-stickiness of one emacs window, all emacs windows get
> toggled, too. The current tab code operates on "group", but all emacs
> windows belong to the same group. (This is terrible for me.)
> It seems that a new group is created for each tab group. If it's so,
> then it's wrong. In fact, group is set by X, and can be set by other
> Sawfish codes (eg by user), too. Since a window belongs to only one
> group, tab code shouldn't use group. Instead, it has to prepare a list
> (or vector) of tabgroups, and each element remembers the member
> windows of each tabgroup. (And the lookup function which returns the
> tabgroup a window belongs to.)
> I know that stickiness and other issues had to be fixed, and thank
> you anyway for your effort.
> On Sun, 21 Nov 2010 23:05:35 +0100, Christopher Roy Bratusek wrote:
> > I'm not sure whether to do a RC around 22nd Dec with or without
> > tabs-ng.
> On Wed, 24 Nov 2010 20:00:46 +0100, Christopher Roy Bratusek wrote:
> > - Release Sawfish 1.8.0 RC with edge-actions (definitively) and tabs-ng
> > (if it passes the test and requirements on stability & such)
> I don't think I will have enough time to complete docs for 1.8, even
> if it's without tabs-ng. Even with RC, doc should be supplied. (The
> users' first impression is really important. :)
> I haven't read tabs-ng codes, but at least it should not worsen the
> group issue.

It got better than before (I would call it beta now instead of alpha), but yet 
more work needs to be done, but shipping with 1.8 should be save (daily tests 
by fuchur and me :)

> # Now I'm convinced the lack or insufficiency of documentation hinders
> # natural development of Sawfish. Users are really creative, and often
> # can code to bring complex ideas into shape. I've often yelled "Look,
> # this new feature requires doc!" to force it to us. Let me take this
> # good opportunity again. :)

I'll add docs for 1.8 to EA and check for missing stuff from 1.7. For tabs-ng 
maybe fuchur might write something?

> Thanks all. Regards,
> Teika (Teika kazura)


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