Re: [PATCH] make edge-flip work on resolution-change

On Wed, 04 Aug 2010 08:40:01 +0200, Christopher Bratusek wrote:
> We might do a list like
> (fancy-list-to-restore-windows
>  (class (viewport . position)))
> [...]

If I understand what's intended by that function, and if it only
matters to be self explanatory, the correct name would be like
"register-position-to-react-resolution-change", right? (Obviously
it's a too long name.) If so, the next question should be taken

> On the other hand.... how often do you change your screen-size?  Or
> the other way round... would be that rather huge function desirable
> for a seldom-used screen-resize?

I come to doubt the same way as you. So, to be practical, commit your
patch as-is, and cheat ourselves?

Teika (Teika kazura)

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